What a busy, sometimes smelly, sometimes crazy, altogether FUN week!
First, I had an impromptu photo shoot with my little brother. He happened to be with a few friends so I packed them all ni the car and took them along. I learned that 4 nine year old little boys running around a park is NOT ideal conditions for any type of photo to be taken, other than blurry ones. There was a
of "hey, get back here! turn around! Stop hitting him and look at me! No, dont get off the rock yet! DO YOU WANT YOUR PICTURES TAKEN OR NOT!??!
I kinda forgot that I made them come with me, and they never actually
for a photoshoot in the first place. oops.

Here is a picture of Stewart and Mitchell, two very cute brothers (cute anyway, when frozen in a picture....)
For our photo class on saturday we went to the Great Salt Lake. Read the full rendition of the adventure
here....it was interesting. Never have I smelled something so rotten, sunk in "sand" I later learned to be made from the waste of brine shrimp, and been accosted with billions of tiny brine flies every step I took, all in a ten minute window.
but the pictures turned out okay, no?

I also took Kam and Loni on a little jaunt up Provo Canyon. We went to this cool place a friend told me about...all in all we ended up getting chewed out by this little old man for trespassing on his property. Pretty sure he would have beat us down had he not been, like, ninety. And had we not brought along our trusty big brown guy, Jason.

And then...the crowning glory of my week. We somehow talked Sam's cousin Alexis into donning a wedding gown from the D.I. and playing "bridal photo shoot" with us. Not only did the dress fit her to perfection, she was the best model we have had to date, I think. She was so natural in her expressions, and we hardly had to pose her. She should look into a career as a fake-bride model. Is there such a thing? We took the pictures at this old decrepit mine. Now, I love how the pictures turned out, but in oreder to get to said mine you have to scale a small mountain and climb all over hige slabs of graffiti'd cement. All in the blazing heat, should you choose to do it in the hot afternoon August sun.
I'm thinking if we ever convince a REAL bride to go there, we should probably work out a pretty detailed Waiver of Liability form. Something along the lines of "...cannot hold us responsible for the ruining of your dress, the sweat pouring down your face, the inevitable trips and falls, and possible need for a tetanus shot soon after...."
We'll have to look into that.
In the meantime...

(click on this one to see it full size and fully appreciate it)

here for more bridal-y goodness)