Behold, the Onion Tree. I was cleaning out the fridge tonight when I came across this. I sent a pic to Jason at work so he could see and appreciate the fact that we don't clean out our fridge enough. He called me immediately. "DON'T THROW IT OUT! You didn't already throw it out, did you? Get it out of the garbage!"
...errrr, ok.
Apparently, he knew we had this little science project in our fridge all along. He even waters the little produce bag it calls home in the back of our crisper. He has been waiting for me to get my planter box out to try my hand at gardening again, at which time he wants to plant it and watch it bloom, so we can harvest our own onions. (I should mention the planter box I have is small. Like, really small.) Wondering if
Anne & Jason would mind sharing a spot in their much bigger gardening box with our budding beauty? Let me know. I'm not sure how long I can stand looking at this every time I open my (newly cleaned out) fridge.
In other news, Jason and I have been busy but have had lots of fun this week. It was Strawberry Days, which always calls for fun times around town at the the fire department.
We went to the rodeo and hung out with Anne, her Jason, and the Carnies. Jason also ran in the 5K and marched in the parade Saturday morning. (I was totally bummed I couldn't participate, but I had a wedding that day. Which totally rocked, by the way. But you will have to read about that on my
photog blog in a week or two.) Jason and I were also on 4wheeler patrol Friday night for the rodeo and carnival. Unfortunately nobody needed our services, but that did not stop me from feeling like a total badass while we rode them around town :)

(some of these photos may or may not have been shamelessly stolen from Anne's blog. Used without any permission whatsoever.)
Also, I am very pleased to announce that Jason and I now have soft water! (totally lame, I know. Seriously, though, I could not be more excited about this) We had this little baby installed this week, and it is a dream come true.

My skin feels better, my clothes smell cleaner, and my bathroom fixtures have never looked shinier. I think the sun shines a little brighter and the birds chirp a little louder, but that could be just me.
We also FINALLY decorated one of the walls in our house. I know I took step by step pics of it, but I don't have them right now, so you will just have to settle for the finished product.

(don't mind the crookedness and overall awfulness of this picture. It is 5 am.)
I'm really pleased with how it turned out. We bought and painted some baseboards, cut them to make a "frame", painted the wall inside it a different color, and voila! (when I say "voila", I also mean it took 2 trips to Home Depot, 3 trips to Rod Works, lots of wall putty, and a very patient husband for this to come together the way I envisioned it)