Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Well I decided that since I enjoy reading others' blogs so much, I should start one of my own and jump headfirst into the world of blogging. Who knows if others will find mine quite as enjoyable, but who cares? I'll have fun.

I told my husband "HEY lets start a blog!" He wasn't nearly as enthused about the idea as I was but after I pointed out it was sort of like a journal that we could look back on later and remember stuff that we would otherwise forget, he went along with it (or at least rolled his eyes, and said 'okay, whatever.') We'll see if he ever decides to post.


Em said...

Mr Renn has nearly never blogged (twice to be exact), but he TELLS people about our blog all the time.... including his family. Just another aspect of family life that I get to maintain while he gripes about how much time I spend on it, and then later he gets to "brag" about it.

Regardless of readership, it's really marvelous to have the weeks and months of your life documented. Somehow you can prove that you were alive and you were doing something.

hairyshoefairy said...

Yeah, my DH never blogs and doesn't read mine. Too busy or not interested. It's been really good for me, though. I hope you enjoy it!

samunwritten said...

Oh Aubs! I'm so proud of you! Now we can be blog-buddies as well as real life buddies!