Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Things That Must Go

Things that bug me to no end, and must be stopped. immediately.

--Fish sticks

--The fact that Costco does not have an express lane

--Airline blankets - paper thin scraps of scratchy polyester that the big sweaty man with questionable odors cuddled in on the last flight. Plus I'll bet he was a drooler.

--The spelling of "vacuum"

--When people dip their sausage/bacon into syrup. Which leads me to "McGriddles". Blech.


--People who eat greasy food (usually KFC) at work and proceed to leave a trail of greasy handprints all over the desk when I come in. When my fingers cannot stay on the correct keys because of your oil slicks, its time to call in the Haz-Mat truck.

--Those same people who have dark short curly hair and leave said dark short curly hairs all over the greasy desk. It makes me vomit a little each time I sit down.

--Cankle tattoos


--Charlie horses

--People who think CSI is real, and that is how everyday police matters are handled. Sorry your car got egged and all, but we will NOT come dust the eggshells for fingerprints.

--People who say "I could care less"

--The aforementioned greasy handed, pube-dropping people not showering on a regular basis.

--People who blame every quirk they have on "It's my OCD."

--Hypocrites, liars

--People in authority positions who make up rules and force you to abide by them until they decide it is no longer a rule and has never been one and THEN you get in trouble for doing it in the first place.

--People who think the fact that they locked their keys in their car is cause for a national crisis, and emergencies such as car accidents, babies not breathing, murders and rapes are second priority to them.

Hmmmm...In reading over this, maybe the post should be changed to "People that must go"...or perhaps "Things that people do that must go." Regardless, it all must go.

I think my job is making me bitter. And cynical.


Em said...

Sometimes I worry that it's (the job)having that same effect on Sam.
Maybe they ought to provide you guys with some sort of counter-cynic counseling? (yeah right, I know).....

Chantele Sedgwick said...

That is hilarious.:)

samunwritten said...
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samunwritten said...

Em, it's very true. I lose a little less of my human-ness every single shift.
It could become a problem, but I could care less. I mean...I don't care ;)
(That's the cynic in me talking.)

Aubrey said...

haha...the "I could care less" but bothers me because the correct phrase is "I couldn't care less..." by saying you could care less it says you actually DO care...

Sarah said...

I'm guilty of four of those things. I must be disposed of. Preferably by vacuum.

Cankle tatoos? That about sums up everything that is wrong with this world. That and Costco.