I just bought this lens. It is am.az.ing.
Never mind the price of this one lens alone costs more than my camera itself. Nevermind the cost is close to one entire paycheck, or 3 months car payment. Nevermind that Jas and I could very well be eating ramen for the next couple years to pay for it.
OHHHH, the pictures is takes. Remarkable. I am shooting the Miss American Fork Pageant this week. I took one set of pictures last night with my kit lens, and one set tonight with this lil baby. The difference is crazy.
*SIGH* Too bad its not mine to keep forever and ever. Thats right, I bought the lens only to use for the pageant (low light. I needed it) and then I have every intention of returning it to the camera heaven from whence it came.
Really I do. Every intention. Except the small part of me that thinks it might not be so bad to work overtime every single day for the next 3 months. Just so I can keep it. Forever and ever. hmmmm.....

In other news, this past weekend Jas and I spend 3 fun-filled days in sunny Moab. We rented jeeps (his parents just bought this new 4 door Sahara. I covet it.) and crawled all over the mountains. I have never been jeeping before...it was so fun!! Jasons family used to go all the time, and it was great to have almost the entire family together. We totally want to buy a jeep now.

Here is Kam, thisclose to flipping his jeep right over. Instead of being worried about himself or the jeep, as soon as the front 2 tires were off the ground he started yelling "TAKE A PICTURE!! GET THE CAMERA!!" I was more than happy to oblige.

Wes's cute wife Trish, who was bound and determind to not let the fact that she is 4 months pregnant hinder the adventure. She kicked Wes out of the driver's seat the first 10 mintues, and I don't believe he was ever allowed back.

I think this is one of perhaps 3 pictures that proves I was actually on the trip. I was behind the camera the other 99% of the time.

My hot husband

Does this look scary? Becuase it totally was. One slip of the tires and the jeep was sideways or upside down.

Cute baby ollie.
Ooh, looks like a lens that will be HARD to part with. We'll have to see if you manage it.
Dear...lens does not have an "e"
I understand though. (Graveyards and all.)
And for the record, should you choose not to return it, I fully support you.
oh, dear. you are absolutely right. Well, it WAS a graveyard. Even though it says I posted at 10 pm, thats not true. My blog never posts the right time.
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