And the play was AMAZING! Honestly, I would hop in the car right now and make the 8 hour car ride again to see it a second time.
We got in to Denver around 4 p.m. After checking into our hotel (and discovering that we were, indeed, the only white people in the entire hotel--some sort of conference for the Masons...are all Masons black? hmm. something to look up.) we jumped in the ol' rental kia and hit the town for a little explorage.
I use the word "town" loosely...thanks to Laceys expert navigational skills/spanish linguistics we first got lost smack in the middle of the Mexican Denver Ghettos, complete with gun-toting amigos, brothels, gangs, the works. We DID end up finding the restaurant (which was more like a mexican restaurant, Disneyland, the Mayan, and Frontierland at Lagoon all rolled into one. Muy interesante.
Then it was over to the Capitol building for some photo ops. Which normally I would be so excited to post the pictures of, particularly the one of sam seducing the cannon, but I forgot my pictures at work today, so that will have to wait.
The next day we got up blindingly early (blinded by the sun I might add, which lit up our room like a spotlight at 5:45 am...) and hit the town for a little shopping. We wasted a good hour or two when we realized nothing was open till 11, but THEN we found a mall with all sorts of cool stores. Saks, Coach, Louis Vuitton, Crate and Barrell, this really cool french cooking store which actually SOLD an egg-topper, but which turned out to be $60 and after a long internal struggle I decided that it was not worth that much. SO Nora...I need to talk to you about getting one from Germany (are they cheaper than $60 there??)
After shopping we all went back to the hotel.
3 women + 2 mirrors + bad lighting + not enough outlets = longer time than to get ready than we planned. But we all looked lovely, and took turns taking pictures in front of the baby grand in the hotel lobby. (again, those later)
Dinner was at the Cheesecake Factory, which was just as fabulous as ever. we took about 500 pictures in the reataurant alone. Yes, everyone thought we were morons. No, we didnt care.
The play was...wow. It really took my breath away. I think I will write a whole 'nother post just about it, later.
Well this post is getting a little long and its not near as interesting without pictures, so I promise to bring them to work with me tomorrow and post away!
1 comment:
Great minds think alike. I love how our Denver posts are exactly the same, right down the the Mexican ghetto and description of Casa Bonita.
Honestly, we're kindred spirits.
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