Yeah, not so much.
After about the first week, I realized it definitly was not cool. Whenever I go out in public in my uniform, I get a lot of looks, alot of comments about being an officer, and kids feel the need to yell out, "MOM! look! a GIRL policeman!"
So needless to say, I try to not go out in public in uniform too much without some sort of sweater or jacket covering my shirt. I didn't have one yesterday. Enter...my life...
[The scene: The baking aisle at walmart. Long day at work, I was tired and a little ornery.]
[The characters: Me. and some other lady.]
...and action...
ME: Walking around the corner. Not paying too much attention to anything but finding vanilla pudding.
HER: um, can you tell me how much this is?
ME: still looking for the pudding. Oblivious.
HER: excuse me. Can you please do a price check?
ME: wha..? oh..me?
HER: umm...yes. I need to know how much this is.
ME: oh. umm. I don't work here.
Her: [looking very confused and irritated] You don't. oh. well....okaaaaaayyyy....
At this point she wandered out of the aisle, looking very much like she did not believe a word that had just come out of my mouth.
...and cut.
Are you freaking kidding me? Have you EVER seen a Wal-Mart employee wearing a police department uniform!? No, I answer for you, NO you have not. Their security don't even look like police officers! I didn't even know what to say to her--my mind went completely blank with bewilderment. I just kinda stood there - eyes wide and confused, mouth halfway open. And then off she goes, shuffling away like the fact that I'm in police uniform and cannot price check her item is everything that is wrong with the world today.
Man, oh man. Some people.
Some people in this world are really weird. Just like Sam's story about Americas most wanted guy. That lady must be out of her mind.
Oh man. I would have paid good money to see her face.
It reminds me of the time when I was at the gas station after I hurt my thumb and it was all wrapped up.
"Did you do that taking down a suspect?"
Why yes, yes I did.
That has happened to me and I was just wearing normal clothes!:) People are wierd! It was at Target and I had a red shirt on. How many times have you seen a Target employee shopping in their Target uniform with a little boy sitting in the shopping cart?
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