Bumped. Multiplying and Replenishing. Expecting. Kinda Grouchy. Knocked up. Fertile myrtle. An employer's worst nightmare. Have a bun in the oven. Crying during TV shows. Gestating. Peeing a lot. In a delicate condition. With child. Prenatal Popper. A fruitful loin. Eating for Two. Very tired. Hormonally challenged. Spawning. Smelling everything. Embarazada.
(also thinking about being this for Halloween.)
And really cute. Don't forget that, mmkay?
congrats! I am laughing so hard because I was JUST looking at that costume on ebay yesterday!
yay...welcome! It's great fun too, you missed that! How far along are you?
CONGRATULATIONS!! How exciting!! When are you due??
Awesome!! What a perfect due date!! Pregnancy always give you something to blog about (positive or not so much:) ) so you'll have to keep us updated!!
Hey Aubs, I am not quite set yet with my Google Account. I just signed up as I read your last blog entry to tell you this:
Congratulations!! This is overwhelming and exciting and great! I am gonna be an aunt, kinda! ;) How is everything? How far along are you? Can't stop thinking about it! XXX
So exciting! Welcome to the world of pregnant women. How are you feeling? Have you been sick a lot? It's crazy having PMS doesn't even compare to being pregnant. Congratulations!!
Yay, you finally blogged! Ha ha, I come to your blog all the time in hopes you've been here :) Congrats of course, and have fun with your busy month this month! Crazy. Oh and I know what picture I want. I know I keep telling you that...
Yay! Congrats!
Ah Aubrey... Congrats! That is so exciting! When is the big day?
I fully support the costume choice.
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