3 months ago, a phone call between my mom and I...
Mom: Hi! So, there is a girl at my work, who has a reeaaallly cute puppy. She is super cute and a really good dog, but the girl has a skin allergy to her and can't keep her anymore.
Me: oh. ok.
Mom: So, I was thinking that you guys should adopt her! She is so cute.
Me: Yeah, no. We don't really want a dog right now. We are having a baby, remember?
Mom: Weelllllll I think you should take her anyway. She is just tiny, a mini poodle shih-tzu mix. She is all black.
Me: nah. We are gone a lot. And the whole baby thing.
Mom: Yeah....well I kind of already told them you want her. So when can I bring her over?!?!
Sigh. We agreed to let my mom bring her over and we would look at her and see what we thought. The family that couldn't keep her was going to give us her and all her stuff for free. I was pretty set on not keeping her.

AWWWWWWWWW!!!! After one look at her, and watching her run around and play with us, we were smitten. We named her Mollie and she has been the best thing to happen to us! (Erm, except for our real baby, who is still on the way. But Mollie is pretty great too.)
She is the best behaved dog I have ever owned. She is playful and fun, great with kids (Anne and I often allow her to babysit Hazen in the playroom when we hang out...see here and here.) loves to cuddle, came to us completely potty trained and is hypo allergenic! She has such a cute personality, we can't imagine life without her now.
This is her sweater and leg warmers set. Tell me you could see a set of puppy leg warmers and not buy them, please. She has a few outfits and doesn't hate them. We had a really cute christmas t-shirt for her, and after her baths she would go find her shirt wherever we left it and bring it to us. awww. A girl with fashion sense!

(she does get a little "drowned rat" looking during bathtime...)

I am a little worried about jealousy issues when Boston gets here (she already gets a little jealous when I spend too much time on the computer...she will come lay across the keyboard until I pay attention to her...) but I think it will be okay. We'll see. We might need Hazen to babysit her for a few weeks until she gets used to the idea that she is not the only baby in the house anymore!