Thats kinda how I feel about posting this photo today. BUT, in the grand scheme of keeping up with the blog and documenting what is left of this pregnancy, here is Boston and me at 30 weeks:

(note: the flash is obviously not doing me any favors. My shirt is not, in fact, see-through today)
Things are still just going swimmingly. Other than a few minor inconveniences like leg cramps, swelling and feeling overall clumsy and bumbling, there isn't much I can complain about pregnancy. I was never sick, which rocked. Now if I can just get through the next 10 weeks of this kid flopping around inside of me like an acrobatic fish!
We are thisclose to being done with the nursery as well. Painting was a lot of time and effort, but I looove how it turned out. We decided to go with black, green and white, and use mostly polka dots and stripes. I had a great image in my head of how it was all going to look, but as I started painting and buying fabric, I started to get worried it was all going to be pattern overload! Luckily now that is is almost finished, I don't think it is and it is better than I pictured!
The paint. It was supposed to be a tad darker (not quite so lime, but it still turned out well. (Although you should have seen the look on Jason's face when we opened the lid. He thought I was insane.)
The primer was a nasty, super bright yellowish color. I wish this photo did it justice.
We (I) decided to stripe one wall. It was hard work, and lots of layers of paint! We were debating striping another wall, but after doing this much, we decided it was good enough and kept the other wall solid.
And because it is impossible for me to use paint in any way without making a huge mess of everything...
Poor miss Mollie was banished outside the room after sticking her face in the primer within 2 seconds of it being opened. She watched at us like this for 2 days straight.
p.s. We did learn a killer tip about paint stripes from here. You have to make sure to run something stiff and straight (we used the plastic piece you smooth spackle with) across the tape a few times to get a good seal, and we found 2 coats of glaze worked best. We ended up with razor straight stripes!
1 comment:
That is a great picture of you and again I love the room.
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