Sam, Anne and I spent the first weekend in February partying it up in Vegas. We found our flights a few weeks before for suuuper cheap, so we booked without really planning and set off for a weekend of shopping, food and fun!

Can you guess who has the short legs of the group??
We rented a super awesome puddle jumper chevy cobalt to cruise around town in. You may think we went with an economy car to save on cash, but due to the fact that none of us are 25 still ended up costing a small fortune. Stupid $25/day fee!

After an awesome brunch at In n Out (coming soon to an Orem, American Fork and Draper near you...holla!) we set out to find our hotel and plan the days activities.

We spent the rest of the day, and more shopping. We hit up SO many stores, I'm pretty sure Boston is set for next winter. I got sweatshirts, pants, shirts, a super nice coat, and plenty of other stuff for next to nothing! (Now here's to hoping he somewhere in the vicinity of 12 month clothing next winter....)

Pop Quiz: You are walking from a parking garage to a mall. You park on the bottom level of the parking garage. Your options are
a. walk across the street from you car to the mall
b. take the parking garage elevator up one level, walk across the walkway bridge, take the elevator on the other side back down to the first level, walk into the mall.
Sad to admit, option A didn't even occur to us. We went with option B. sigh.
We had dinner at Cheesecake Factory....with no wait! Hello, awesomeness.

The next morning we went to the Village Buffet at Paris. It is so yummy, we ended up going two mornings in a row :) (I told you this trip was about shopping and food!)

They have so much to choose from, and lots of European foods that I haven't eaten in a long time! We took our time and savored everything.
I bet you can't guess what we did after eating. Yeah...more shopping. We hit the stores hard for a few hours and returned to our hotels looking like drowned homeless girls. (it was raining, and none of us had showered yet...)
We got ourselves cleaned up and hit up the Mac Pro store to get our makeup done for the night. Sadly, no photos of that part, but we did look smashing!
Next it was dinner at the Bellagio buffet and Cirque de Soileil's Zumanity. (Which, erm, I don't recommend unless you are in the mood for nakedness. Lots of nakedness. Nakedness not known to us beforehand...)

YUM....creme brulee, chocolate raspberry pie thing, key lime tart, The Best Cheesecake You Have Ever Eaten.
After the show, we headed back to our hotel room and took some old-style photos. When you get your makeup done by professionals, you need proof!

It ended up being quite the late night, we didn't go to bed till around 3 am. It made for an early morning, but we had a few hours to kill before our plane left. We made one last shopping stop (Sam and Anne got killer deals at the Banana Republic outlet...pregnant people need not try on their clothing) then got a quick treat from the amazing Jean-Philippe Patisserie before speeding to the airport in hopes of not missing our flight. (We didn't, but it took very fast walking and some super speedy bag rearranging--we bought a lot and our bags were over the weight limit!)

BYE, vegas!
Wow - what a trip! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't insanely jealous. Maybe someday..... far far away from now.
OOOO! Fun! I'm jealous!!
Ok I so want to go to Vegas now. I've never been and your trip looked like it was a BLAST! I really like the cool feature on your camera where everything looked kinda convex. Is that the right one? I always get it mixed up but nonetheless it was way cool! I love your posts!
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