I need a little help/advice from everyone.
Samantha and I have a wedding coming up at the beginning of May. Due to the possibility that one of us may be in labor around the same time (and the couple purchased a wedding package that includes 2 photographers), we are bringing in a photographer from Virginia to shoot the wedding with Sam. (She rocks too. Check her out here) She is a friend we met at a photog convention last year, and we are so excited for her to come!
She will be staying a little extra time* to take in all the sights, sounds and smells that Utah has to offer. She has never been to Utah or anywhere near here really. We want to show her a good time, but we are drawing a few blanks about where to go/what to do.
Here's where you come in.
Leave a comment with your favorite Utah 'thing'. It can be a pastime, restaurant, shopping, tourist attraction, etc. Something that is home in Utah, that someone staying here a few days would find interesting. We want as MANY ideas as we can get, so even if you're a crazy blog stalker who has never commented before, do it now!
So far, we have on our list that she needs to try fry sauce, she will learn the correct usage for "heck", and if she is reeeaaalllly lucky, maybe we'll swing by the BYU bookstore or something.
*It's not a lot of extra time, so it's probably best to keep ideas centered around Utah-Salt Lake counties. Something like a week-long hike in Zions probably won't work. Aaaaaand we wouldn't do it anyway.
There is a silver mine in Park City that is fun.
Hey AUB! how are ya? Me you and dani need to get together ne of these days! but you guys shold take that girl to the alpine slide!
There's always the Mayan resturaunt in Salt Lake. Some people don't like it but if she like Mexican food then she'll get to see a cool diving show :)
Lots of fun to be had in Park City. Especially at the outlets. I'm going to throw Temple Square out there. It might be fun to eat at The Roof so she can see the valley. Um...Sundance might be fun. I don't know if they'll have anything going on around that time. Cafe Rio may no longer be exclusive to Utah, but it was started here and is delish. That's all I got for now. I may or may not be back with more.
Aubs, I was totally going to suggest the Alpine Slide but someone already did. Something else that is way fun is rafting down the Provo River...they have some sweet deals that you can get for individual tubes or group rafts. And by May it would hopefully be nice and warm outside.
peruse yourheartout.com for tons of ideas.
It depends on her interests, and budget mostly.
So, maybe some more info?
Tucano's baby!!
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