You turned one week old last Friday. I would have written this then, but you have given your sleep-deprived mama and daddy an exciting week! Even though it has been an adjustment, we love everything about you. From your thick dark hair to your curly little toes, we love sitting and watching and marveling at you. You have had lots of visitors this week. So many friends and family have stopped by to see you and help us out.

We were sure you were going to be a big baby. (hello, have you seen your daddy?) When you were a tiny 6 pounds, we had to send grandma to the store to buy a new outfit to bring you home in! The newborn size we bought was way too big, you ended up in premie clothing. We had to go buy more clothes for you because nothing we bought was going to fit for a few weeks.

Because you decided to arrive a few weeks early, you had a little bit of jaundice. Your doctor decided to put you on Bili lights when you were 3 days old. You weren't a fan at first, but you quickly got used to it and slept like a champ every time we put you in there. As long as you were dry and fed, no problems! I think it was a lot harder for us to put you in than it was for you to be in there. You ended up needing to stay in all week, and we are now so excited to hold and cuddle with you anytime we want. (Even though you made an adorable little glow worm)

(you were also a very brave little boy when you had to get your heels pricked over and over.)
You have given your mama quite the time with breastfeeding. You fought and fought with me all week, and FINALLY started to get it on your one week birthday. Once you got it, you were all, hey, no big! Check me out, breastfeeding and all!
I tried to tell you all week it wasn't hard. Is this the early showings of a stubborn streak, perhaps?

Little Miss Mollie has had to adjust having you home too. She growled at you when we walked in the door. She moped for a few days. She seemed just as frustrated as we were when you screamed your way through an hour and a half feeding at 4 am. She is doing much better now, and I'm sure you two will become fast friends once you get a little bigger. For now, we are concentrating on not allowing her to eat your face when you have a little lunch leftover on your chin.

Aunt Sammy and I broke the bili lights rule and took you out to take some photos of you at 5 days old. You behaved perfectly, allowing us to squish you into all sorts of positions. You stayed asleep through the whole thing! I hope this is a trend, cuz mama has some big plans for this week. You need some photos with our fire gear, and I ordered a sweet little hat in the same green that seems to represent YOU all over the house. Plan on having a camera lens in your face for a good portion of your life, baby.

One of my favorite things about you so far is your Warning Squawk. Before you cry, you send out an ear-piercing, shrill, baby-bird squawk. You might do it once, you might do it twice, but it always means that something needs to be fixed or else you will cry. Overall you are a very happy baby and even your cry usually is very mild, so we don't mind much. It sure is adorable though.
We love you, baby. We love getting to know you. We love everything about you. Happy first week, we can't wait for the rest!
