Last night I had an entire dream set in NYC, narrated by and in the blog style of (NO) sex and the city. Choppy sentences, random people, and I think there may have even been a Bachelorette recap in there somewhere.
Anyone out there feel like interpreting that one for me*?
*(If your answer is I read too many blogs, you're probably right)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Crib Sleeper

No, he is not sleeping through the night yet, thanks for asking. (Although his Dr. thinks giving him prevacid is going to help him sleep longer at night than he has been. Fingers crossed.)

He still sleeps in a bassinet in our room for now, but he naps in his here during the day. These are photos of his very first time sleeping in his crib, he looked so tiny in there!

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Fire Training

These are a few weeks old, but they sort of goes along with this post. Also: really cute.
(I would like to note that photos like this do not come without consequence....such as poop in my fire helmet. Which I needed to wear a few days later. thanks, dude.)

On May 2 we had a big fire training at an old house next to where we live. The house had been donated by the family who had moved out a while back. Since early spring we had been training inside the house.

This is Mindi and Annalee, my two female firefighting partners in crime

On the Burn Day training, smaller fires were lit inside the house. We had to go in as teams to practice live fire detection and extinguishment.

It didn't take long...

Oh, and the baby? He just hung out in the engine, content as could be! (we did have some very willing and helpful firefighters wives tending to his every need :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
8 weeks!

Boston decided to really learn how to work and use his lungs starting about 6 1/2 weeks. My mom and I took Ashley to St. George for a girls (plus baby) weekend of shopping and hanging out for her graduation. We had a ton of fun, but Boston was pretty fussy, especially at night. I chalked it up to disruption of his schedule/surroundings and hoped for better once we got home.

"Better" has been about 2 weeks coming now! He stayed fussy, sometimes crying most of the night or day, with very few things to calm him down. We though it is colic, so we had been trying all sorts of things to help his tummy. Gripe water seemed to work for a few days, but then not so much. Our doctor recommended a very small dose of sugar water occasionally, which actually did help him calm down enough to sleep the few times we tried it. Putting him in his carseat and letting him hang out on the dryer while it ran also worked pretty well.
We went to the doctor today for his 2 month checkup. He rang in at 10 lbs 9 oz and 22 inches long. His doctor is fairly certain all his crying may be due to acid reflux. We noticed the last couple days that he was spitting up more and getting very upset after eating. He is now on prevacid which should hopefully help things. He was an absolute trooper for his shots, he only cried during the needle stick and was happy as a clam by the time the bandaid was on. He is currently sleeping and has been for most of the day. Poor little guy :)

Other than that, we are just having fun playing, cuddling, and enjoying every bit of him! He started smiling about 2 weeks ago, it is darling. I have yet to catch a photo of one (they are still a little sporatic) but I will definitely keep trying. He loves his bath time, loves to look around (he has been holding his head up since around 5 weeks and does not like to be held laying down unless he is going to sleep. He wants to always be looking around, its a lot of fun.)
I try to take photos of him as often as I can. He is changing so much every day! He has finally started to chunk out, he has some nice rolls forming on his arms and legs, and he is about to burst out of his newborn sized diapers. (we WILL finish that package though, dangit!)
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