These are a few weeks old, but they sort of goes along with this post. Also: really cute.
(I would like to note that photos like this do not come without consequence....such as poop in my fire helmet. Which I needed to wear a few days later. thanks, dude.)

On May 2 we had a big fire training at an old house next to where we live. The house had been donated by the family who had moved out a while back. Since early spring we had been training inside the house.

This is Mindi and Annalee, my two female firefighting partners in crime

On the Burn Day training, smaller fires were lit inside the house. We had to go in as teams to practice live fire detection and extinguishment.

It didn't take long...

Oh, and the baby? He just hung out in the engine, content as could be! (we did have some very willing and helpful firefighters wives tending to his every need :)
He is absolutely adorable in those pics! What a sweetheart.
You are amazing. Not only have you take extremely adorable and innovative pics of your little man, you also busted out the big hose during naptime. You are my hero.
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