Dear Boston,
How is it possibly I have a 4 month old? I can hardly believe time is passing so quickly. It seems like yesterday you were just a tiny little thing with your baby bird squawk and your wrinkly, loose skin! You are so much fun to play with now, Daddy and I love all your little personality quirks coming out.

You have become quite the happy baby. You smile and talk to us all the time. You love to spend time under your play gym and kick your little legs until they don't kick anymore. (Funny side note: you kick your right leg more, so it has one less thigh-roll than your left) Speaking of rolls, you definitely have your fair share! Arm rolls, leg rolls, a double chin...the chubby baby works, and I love to kiss it all.

You discovered your hands a few weeks ago, and it is all I can do to keep them away from your face. Try as I might to keep your nails as short as I can, you still find a way to scratch your poor little nose and forehead to shreds. When you're not scratching, your hands have taken up permanent residence in your mouth. You love to suck and chew on your hands, my hands, daddy's hands, or anyone else's you can grab. You often break the silence of a car drive or nap time with very loud slurps of your hands.

You are an excellent little sleeper, during the day and at night, and for that I thank you. Also, thanks for being cool with it when you are ready to get up before me, and I ignore you and let you play and talk to yourself for a little while. Mama needs her beauty sleep sometimes.

We went to your 4 month check up the other day. You are growing great, and are a healthy, strong little boy. You weigh 13 lbs 10 oz, and are 24 inches long. (Despite the fact that you are quite the little chub, you are still a little small for your age, in the 20th percentile.)
We gave you a taste of rice cereal on your 4-month birthday. You looked at us like we were crazy. (Can't say I blame you, I can't imagine it tastes good!) We will keep trying, and maybe one day you can eat something a little tastier!

I love it. All of it. He is seriously just handsome.
Boston Robison. He is a DANG cute little dude. 4 months holy cow. Time has flown.
I love your baby pictures. He is going to be a little heart breaker when he grows up! I really like the first picture its my fav! In 5 years when we have kids you guys are taking our pictures even if we are in Washington by then we will fly you there cus you guys rock!
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