Monday, June 25, 2007

Caution: Crazy Week Ahead

I am dreading this week. Not only am I dreading it, I am also taking every opportunity to put off the millions of things I MUST do before Saturday. Things like, oh, move to a new house. Pack for 6 people to go to South Carolina for 2 weeks. Work. Clean my old apartment so as not to tick off the new renters. Refrain from losing my mind.

My 3 days off this past week consisted of rodeos, 5K runs, ambulance calls, BBQ's, and all other things Strawberry Days. My house is a wreck and there are piles of clean laundry chanting my name everytime I walk by them. I haven't packed a single box. The dishes haven't been done in a week. Heck if I can get my thoughts organized enough to even comprehend what needs to be done, let alone do it.

I'm sure "moving" will consist of a day and a half of throwing things to the truck, driving to the condo, quickly unloading everything into the front room.....and back and again. It will probably also consist of me coming home from vacation to a houseload of boxes and piles and just STUFF! Not sure how much I'm looking forward to it. Actually, I do know. I'm not looking forward to it at all. goes nothing. Wish me luck. If anyone has nothing to do this house will sure be a party, come on by.

1 comment:

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Good luck with everything! Moving is great when everything is done! It's the finding places for everything part that is not very fun.