Thursday, October 2, 2008

I guess I should include a few more details about the whole baby thing.

Due: May 10, 2009
Which just so happens to be our third anniversary. And mothers day. I was excited at first, but now I'm hoping he/she comes early, cuz I really don't want to share those 2 days. No good for anyone. Sorry, kid, your birthday is canceled this year. Momma and daddy are going to the BAHAMAS! (also, to bring out the fat kid in me, there is a really amazing mothers day brunch that I look forward to every year, and a hospital stay would really mess up that plan)

I am 9 weeks along according to my ultrasound, and things look good so far. I have had very little nausea, but have been very sleepy. I'll take it. We got to see and hear the heartbeat on Monday, so cool!

For now we are just sitting back and waiting for the exciting stuff to happen. It still doesn't seem quite real, just because not much has changed in my day to day life. (other than more naps than usual!) We are anxiously awaiting to find out if it will be a boy or girl (sidebar poll, anyone?) so we can move forward with the planning details. I'm really loving this for a girl...NOT, however, loving the price. If it turns out to be a girl, I'm tossing the idea around of making my own version of this. Can't decide yet if I am completely crazy or not. Jason's grandma has made lots of them, she says it is easy and she will help me. (still though....I can sew a straight-ish seam, and thats kinda the end of my sewing abilities.) We'll see.

Also, calling all pregnant people and have-been pregnant people: when can I start blaming things on "pregnancy brain"? I am not far along at all but I swear I am so spacey lately. I can't remember where I put things 30 seconds later, I forget everything, I lose my train of thought, lock my keys in my name it.

All in all, its been a very fun and exciting experience so far, and we are looking forward to the rest of it!


Kayla said...

I absolutely LOVE that crib set! So adorable! And I'm so excited for you and Jason. You guys will be awesome parents! Congratulations!!

Krystal said...

Congrat! Its way exciting that you are preggers!!

Em said...

You can start blaming space-brain on the pregnancy about 8 weeks ago. It happens that fast.

There's a remotely similar bedding set at Target (minus the pink, but you could mix it in I think) for much cheaper. It's part of their Tadpoles Crib Bedding line. They have a black and white damask one, and pink toile one... maybe some mixing?
You know, once you find out what you're having in 11+ more weeks!

Emily said...

Aubrey, glad to hear everything is going well! SO exciting! TAKE EVERY NAP YOU CAN GET!!! And the pregnancy brain- or should I say baby brain doesn't go back to normal!! I entered complete shock when I saw on your blog that today is Thursday! I just lost a day in my life- coulda swore today was wednesday! Errr.

mckenna said...

Pregnancy brain starts about when the test shows up positive. The second that little baby bugger starts to grow! And after pregnancy, it's still there. So get used to it!! Each child kills 100 brain cells. :) Glad you're doing well!! Can't wait to read more updates!!

The Robinson's said...

Congrats! i am so excited for you guys! (maybe a little jelous too, but don't tell Colby... )

Annalee and Buck said...

How exciting!! I'm going with girl but that's just based off of the dream I had a while ago about you guys having a girl. :) Now let's just hope the dream you had about me doesn't happen for a while... :)

Malerie said...

yes, welcome to all starts from day 1. It's cool though. Kinda has dry spells, I mean, you are way pumped when you hear the heartbeat and first appt stuff but then it gets a little hard waiting to week 20 when you find out. Oh but baby kicking...way cool. And then when Jason can feel it...even cooler. Pretty much every thought, every day will be consumed with your new status. Looking at baby stuff (cribs, bedding, clothes, gear) is the best and worst. It makes you want it all right away. If you're tired now...wait til week 13 or so. You'll pretty much fall over after lunch! It's great though, and again; welcome.