Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Things You Are No Longer Allowed to Say to Me,

... at Least Not for the Next 5 Weeks or Until Such Time as this Blessed Child Decides to Exit my Blessed Womb and Make His Appearance in this Blessed World

--Sleep while you can! (this doesn't even make sense. Unless you have discovered a hole in the universe that now makes it possible to bank unnecessary sleeping hours for later use. Or if you can cure my hip/pelvic pain so as to make it possible for me to sleep in the first place. If not, shut it.)

--Wow, you are sooo (Large/Small) for being 35 weeks pregnant! (actually, you can say small. Just not large.)

--Aww, do you have a cold? (If by "cold" you are asking if I have sneezed 15 times every day since 2 cells met up in my uterus and decided to start dividing, yes.)

--You're going to just hate it when you have to go back to work! (I know. Thanks.)

--Is it cold in here? (no. its freaking hot. I don't care that it is snowing outside. Do you see the beds of sweat on my brow? Something must
be wrong with you if you think its anything less than sweltering.)

--You're eating AGAIN!? (mainly for Jason's reference. It was only said once, but rest assured, it should never be said again.)

--You're looking pregnant! (obviously!)

This list is sure to grow over the next while, so feel free to keep checking back.

*Feel free to replace "Blessed" with other words of your choice


AnnEE said...

My mouth is still agape from the times that Jason thinks its a good choice to question the food you're eating. You're a babe. And hilarious. And you don't look a day over 12 weeks pregnant.

Megan said...

I just wanted to let you know that I blogstalk you from time to time and I think your posts are hilarious...especially this one. If I see you I'll TRY not to repeat any of the above statements. But you do look REALLY, REALLY small for being 35 weeks. :)

Annalee and Buck said...

Not that I'm laughing at your misery, but I'm sure as h*ll laughing at this post because it's hilarious, and even though I've never been pregnant, I can totally see how these things would get annoying, especially the one about eating again? I think it's lack of brain cells all men have, because I'm not even prego with the excuse to eat,and Buck will say the same thing to me. You're eating again? Yes Buck, MOST girls eat more than twice a day, that's why there's breakfast, lunch AND dinner.

Shauna said...

Lol! You crack me up!

Andrea said...

what am I going to say to you now, I guess we can't talk until after Boston makes his arrival.... Your tourette's has finally come through for us.

mckenna said...

I'm not sure if you're annoyed because of hormones, or because these things are TRULY annoying...because I find them annoying when I'm pregnant and hormonal and people say them to me. But when someone says them to YOU while YOU are pregnant, I find it amusing. :)