Okay so I got my first two official comments (and not even from people I know, but from 2 blogs I lurk around all the time!) This is EXCITING! Kinda sad that 2 random people saying hi to me makes a difference but it is pretty neat. Neat enough to make me blog again!
Nothing new has really been happening lately. I'm on the mind-numbingly early schedule of 6am-4pm shift right now and it is taking its toll. I feel pretty much worthless for the first few hours of work until my brain turns on.

Jason and I bought a new camera a couple weeks back. I am very very excited about it. Jason has never been into photography but I think this camera awoke the creative, growling beast within. He takes the camera EVERYWHERE, and thinks the macro setting on the camera is the coolest thing. ever. This sponge picture is his favorite picture he has taken. I personally think its a little gross. To each his own, I guess!
I read Em and sir Oliver's blog all the time. We went to highschool together. I just thought I would say hello, and your pictures are really cool!:) I lurk at a lot of different blogs. It is fun to get to know people you don't really know....that sounds kind of wierd, but you know what I mean!:)
I love how Jason is so enthusiastic about your new camera. It lights the spark in me again.
My new camera did the same thing to me... only I'm a freak about the portrait setting and vivid color.
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