Maybe one day we will get good at this marriage business. We are finally to the point that we can let the small things go, not argue every small point and just laugh and move on. Or, we are more to that point than we have been in the last year. Its quite nice!
For our one year we had dinner at the Chef's Table...oh man. it was deee-lish. Don't you just love having an excuse to dress up nice and act like you are some rich snob who expects your napkin to be placed just so in your lap and a miniscule scoop of lemon sheret between courses to "Cleanse the palate. L

We also stayed at the Hines Mansion in provo. It was very nice. Quaint, even.
Our photography adventures continue. Last week, Jason, Sam and I went to this creepy old abandoned property with these old falling down sheds and houses. There wsas even homeless-people stuff inside, sans the homeless people. It was kinda a cool place. We will probably go out again tonight and take some more fun stuff.
Cool photos! Oh how I wish I could go to a nice restaurant! Oh well, maybe in 3 years.
I really thought I would end up with hepatitis. I'm happy to report that I am doing well.
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