Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm not even going to apologize this time for my lack of all things blog. Because an apology would suggest that I intend to not do it again. While that may be my intent, its probably not very plausible, so lets all just accept that fact and move on.
So, here we go....

We spent a nice warm July 4th weekend in St. George. We got to see Jaiden again and I bought her the cuest 4th of July outfit ever.

It was over 100 degrees the entire time we were there. We got to lay in the pool, go shopping, BBQ and play Wii.

Jason was pretty smitten with Jaiden. Maybe we will have to get ourselves one of those soon.


Shauna said...

I can't wait to see what a little Aubrey/Jason looks like. I think you guys will have really cute kids.

Rodriguez Family said...

Aubrey, I hope with all those classes you know what "getting one of those" means, right? It has to come from your loins!!!!