Anyway, things are going great here, baby and all. I never got sick really, which was huge for me. I am completely worthless when I feel nauseated, so it really was a miracle. I have been really tired, but feeling better the last little bit. I think.
Due to the fact that my 20th week is the week of Christmas (and knowing how my doctors appointment scheduling usually goes)(and how crazy the holidays are) I had severe doubts about whether I would be able to get my ultrasound done before Christmas. Jas and I decided we simply couldn't wait any longer, much less into a whole new year, so we headed to an early ultrasound yesterday.
I'm happy to report things look great so far! This kid is definitely a kicker. It would pull its legs clear up to its chest and push them out as hard and fast as those little frog legs would go. I have a feeling thats not going to be so cute in a few months when it's is doing that straight into my ribcage.
Oh, and also we found out the sex. :)
In a poll closer to call than Prop 8, 51% of you guessed boy. And...
You win! We have a healthy, kicking baby boy growing in there. He was super proud to show off his boyness too. Every time we would move down there, he would arch his back like that and put himself on display. (another thing that probably won't be so cute much later on...)
He kept his little hand up by his head and mouth the entire time. He also kept his feet mostly stretched out with ankles crossed. Apparently I have a very comfortable, lounge-able uterus. Go fig.
Also, made obvious by the ultrasound, his name will be Boston. Boston _?_ Robison. (Middle name TBD.) We're kinda diggin it!!
Cute baby and cute name!! Oh, and cute mama. :)
Congrats you guys! I remember not being able to wait with our first. Can you believe that some people don't even find out...CRAZY. This is what makes it more exciting and if Jason was ever worried about your shopping's only going to get worse! Enjoy!
It's about time you posted! I've been so curious to know how your doing. I'm so glad to hear that things are going so well, Congratulations on the boy! That's what I guessed:)I love the name by the way.. So cute.
YAY! We love boys over here! How fun. I'm glad you're feeling good. It always helps. Second Trimester was great for me... Good Luck
I am so excited for you!! That's way cool you got to find out before your 20th week! And I love that name by the way. That's perfect to find out just before Christmas, so you can get boy baby stuff. I love you ultrasound pics too, they are way cute!! Way to grow em' :P
Oh I am so excited for you guys!! A little boy!!! I am so glad you did the early ultrasound. Now you can start shopping!!
Yeah! That is so exciting! I'm thinking 'Boston Armando Robison'. It has such a nice flow to it :)
P.S. I'm so glad you finally blogged, I was so sick of looking at that dang cinnamon roll.
YAY!!! I'm so happy you finally know what you're having. Congratulations on a boy! And perfect timing before Christmas too so you can get boy stuff! You'll have so much more fun shopping now that you know what you're having. Oh, and cute ultrasound pics...he's photogenic already...just like his mama! =D
Congrats!! I am so happy for you! The name you guys picked is super cute!
Thank goodness those stupid cinnamon rolls are gone, I could almost smell them every time I clicked on your blog.
Congratulations on a boy! Boston Julieann Robison kind of sings to you doesn't it???
Congrats Aubrey! Ya know...we have had the name Boston picked out for our baby (whenever that day comes), regardless of the sex. We're big red sox fans. ha ha. You must have great taste!! Good luck!!
Aubrey, congratulations! it sounds like he'll be quite the soccer player!
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