Tuesday, March 10, 2009


You know your priorities in life are changing when fresh produce for a screamin' deal makes your week.

Fellow Utah County-ers: have you been here?

Man. Every Wednesday they have their double-ad day, where the sale prices from the previous week and the upcoming week both apply.

I've gotten some amazingly delicious fresh fruit and veggies for way cheaper than any of my local grocery store prices. Strawberries, melons, apples, pears, asparagus, avocados, potatoes, onions...you name it. And they are delish. And they give rainchecks if they run out. And I love them. (Not the rainchecks, necessarily. The people, and the store.)

We have been trying to eat healthy(ier) around here lately, and this is really helping the effort. Now all I need is this bad boy and I'll be all set. Anne, tell your anniversary to hurry up!


Shauna said...

I still haven't been ... but I got their ad in the paper today, 1lb strawberries for 99 cents, holy cow! I'm gonna be all over that.

mckenna said...

Oh am I jealous!! We have a farmer's market out here in no-man's-land, but only during the summer. PATHETIC!!